HQ: Floor 8 & 9, City Tower 2, Sheikh Zayed Road, Dubai, UAE

HQ: Floor 8 & 9, City Tower 2, Sheikh Zayed Road, Dubai, UAE

freelance visa UAE

How to get a Freelance Visa in UAE?

Currently, working on your own and from home has become a quite famous and common trend among many professionals from all over the world. In particular, the UAE has offered different opportunities to these people so that they can carry out these jobs. For instance, the freelance visa UAE.

In this article, you will learn everything you need to know about the UAE freelance visa. The first thing that will be explained is the definition of this long-stay permit. In addition, we will teach you why it is important that remote workers have this document available. Thus, you understand what the UAE freelance visa benefits are. We will also show you what the requirements of this permit are.

  1. Do you know what a freelance visa in UAE is?
  2. What is the procedure to follow to obtain a freelance visa?
  3. Contact Connect Group to obtain a freelance visa UAE

1. Do you know what a freelance visa in UAE is?

Currently, self-employment has become very popular for many professionals. In this way, you can find that the UAE has become one of the most important homes for many freelancers from different countries. This is thanks to the different opportunities that are presented in the UAE, such as starting a business in Dubai at a very low cost.

This visa is a legal document that allows all professionals to live and work as self-employed in the UAE. In addition, with a freelance visa in UAE, you will be able to work as a freelancer for the long term. On the other hand, you find the duration is a 2-year freelance visa in UAE and you can renew it when it expires.

The UAE is made up of 7 emirates, where Abu Dhabi and Dubai stand out. Therefore, it is important to know about freelance visas in Abu Dhabi and Dubai, as the application processes may vary. In addition, you have to take into account the different free zones in the UAE, because they offer unique benefits depending on which one you want to establish.

There are a wide variety of professionals who can apply for a freelance UAE visa. For this reason, you will see some examples of categories for the self-employed visa.

  • Finance and banking professionals. You find fields such as accounting, auditing, analyzing, and reviewing accounting and auditing systems, among others.
  • Those professionals who are related to the media. There are 45 categories to apply, including artists, actors, composers, and entertainers, among others.
  • Teachers and pedagogues.
  • All IT professionals. You find customer service, mobile, software development and architecture, and computer networks, among others.
  • Fashion designers and stylists. Here, fashion and clothing designers, image consultants, hairdressers, and textile designers, among others, stand out.

2. What is the procedure to follow to obtain a freelance visa?

You find that the process to apply for a freelance UAE visa is straightforward. Therefore, by following the steps accordingly you will be able to obtain your freelance UAE visa in a short period. In this case, you will only need to apply online for the necessary permit by presenting several documents.

After you obtain the permit, you will be able to apply without any problem for your Dubai freelancer visa. It is important to remember that you must have an establishment card. In addition, you will need to complete all residency paperwork so that you can start working as a freelancer within the UAE.

Having this visa, it is important that you take into account the changes to the new Emirates ID. In this way, you will be able to be aware of what is new related to residence visas and this document in the country.

3. Contact Connect Group to obtain a freelance visa UAE

Having a freelance UAE visa is a way to legally reside in the UAE while working. However, it is important that if you want to obtain this visa you have adequate supervision. For this reason, Connect Group offers you its services so that you can obtain this visa without any inconvenience thanks to the help of experts in the area.

Also, we invite you to visit our blog as here you can get more information about the UAE. In the same way, you can contact us through our telephone number +971 43 316 688, or simply by writing us an email at contact@connectgroup.com.

However, if you are one of those people who wants to find a job in the Middle East, you should visit The Talent Point. In this way, you will be able to get many jobs offers that suit what you have been looking for for so long. On the other hand, if you want you can contact us by writing an email to contact@thetalentpoint.com and we will advise you in the best possible way.

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